Payment Options

North Shore Counseling provides professional counseling services to individuals and families, and payment is required for services. Because we do not have students or interns on staff, you are guaranteed to meet with a licensed counselor, and therefore, our reduced rates are limited to clients who qualify by application. See below.

Self Pay Clients

“Self Pay Clients” pay for sessions entirely out-of-pocket in accordance with the Fee Schedule set forth in the Contract for Professional Services. North Shore Counseling accepts cash, checks, and credit cards. A typical weekly session costs $150 for 53 minutes. When cash is paid, clients are provided a hand-written receipt to document the cash transaction. A more detailed invoice can be provided upon request.

More about Self Pay…

Insurance Clients

“Insurance Clients” seek payment through their insurance company.  North Shore Counseling is in-network with some companies, and out-of-network with others.  

More about Insurance…

Reduced Fees

“Reduced Fees” are offered to clients who have extenuating financial circumstances. Clients who wish to apply for a reduced fee need to complete the Reduced Fee Application and submit it before scheduling their first appointment. Standard session rates will apply until the Application is processed. Applications can be faxed to (847) 205-0377, although original documents will need to be brought in and verified. Clients who wish to pay “reduced fees” cannot bill through insurance, as — according to our contract with insurance companies — we are not allowed to waive copays and deductibles for insurance clients. Click here for a Fee Reduction Application.

Our current Fee Schedule can be found on page 2 of the Contract for Services.